In the magical world of Frozen, the breathtaking production brought to life by Theatre Under the Stars (TUTS), there’s a ...
Theatre Under The Stars was one of only a handful of theatres across the country chosen by Disney to create one of the first ...
Tucson Symphony Orchestra's latest cineconcert this weekend will have you humming the Disney blockbuster film's soundtrack.
"First snow of the season️ means the first snow at the construction site of World of Frozen, opening in 2026 at ...
LIKE any mum with children under ten, Frozen has been a huge part of my life since the original film came out in 2013. Elsa, ...
You'll find the perfect holiday Kransekake in local Norwegian food expert Daytona Danielsen's new cookbook, "Disney Frozen," ...
Under the direction of Dawn Bardell, young local actors will bring the story of Anna, Elsa and the magical land of Arendelle ...
Before its official opening, let’s look back at eight quotes from the Frozen movies that have warmed our hearts. The quote shows the bond between the two sisters in the film, Elsa and Anna ...
what Anna wanted, who Elsa was, and things like that.” The pair wrote roughly 25 songs for Frozen, of which eight made it into the final movie (seven of the remaining songs were later released ...
Lancaster is in for a real sweet winter treat. "Disney's Frozen: The Broadway Musical" will premiere at the Fulton Theatre with a run from Nov. 15 to Dec. 29. And, the icing on top is that the ...
It may be miles from Broadway, but Long Island has a happening theater scene in its own right, with entertainment for all ...
This dance performance is sure to be cool… it’s Frozen performed by a local dance studio, Let’s Dance. The holiday spectacle ...