The film follows Ani (Mikey Madison), an “exotic dancer”, who by chance is introduced to Vanya (Mark Eidelstein) the son of a wealthy Russian Businessman. This chance encounter blossoms into a ...
‘Flow’ is a Beautiful, Meaningful Animated Adventure Featuring a Brave Feline. Co-written and directed by Gints Zilbalodis, ‘Flow’ reveals itself to be one of the most satisfying and lovely movies of ...
In this tense thriller, Taron Egerton plays a T.S.A. agent who goes up against an implacable terrorist (Jason Bateman). The man has a funny idea of what he wants to bring on a plane.
Sleight of hand expert Ben Seidman is back with Vanity Fair once again to review more sleight of hand tricks, pickpocketing and psychological magic in films including 'The Hunger Games: The Ballad of ...