The cartoon that started the franchise, titled The Transformers, also affectionately known as"Generation 1" to fans of the series, aired from 1984 to 1987 ... Starscream blasts him before he can ...
Grade 1 stakes winner Surge Capacity , carrying her first foal, by Into Mischief , sold for $3.6 million to Emmanuel de Seroux's Narvick International on behalf of Japan's Grand Stud during Fasig ...
For example, in Generation 1, Omega Supreme is a mere 18 meters ... which he uses when he’s destroying Maximals and Autobots alike, and his aircraft carrier alt mode, which he can use to ...
I’ve always preferred the Black Ops series to Modern Warfare. It’s all Call of Duty, at the end of the day, just different flavors. In my memory, Modern Warfare is a series of desert ...