The story follows three intelligent detectives who encounter a series of corruption in their own department while investigating multiple homicidal cases. The story revolves around a detective who is ...
Detective Dotson, the upcoming adventure game from India-based Masala Games, is getting a film adaptation. The first twenty ...
A neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski follows Detective Jake, an expert in marital cases, who is hired by Mrs. Mulwray to spy on her husband, who constructed the city's water system.
Those of you who have been enjoying the game Detective Dotson will be happy to know there's now a full movie based on its ...
The Movie at Hyderabad Comic Con. Tickets are now available on | Paytm, alongside the official websites of Comic Con India.
The Movie' serves as a companion to the soon-to-be-released game, centring on Dotson, an aspiring Bollywood star who unexpectedly becomes a detective.
Over the years, he goes from being a child actor to a waterbed salesman in a series of schemes that keep him crossing paths with Alana and landing the two of them in wild scenarios. "Licorice Pizza" ...
With scores of movies released every year, filmmakers have to brainstorm to give the audience an ending they have never seen ...
Fans of the fantasy series The Chronicle of Narnia will likely enjoy movies like Willow, Stardust, and Spirited Away.
You don’t need to do much to sell most of Michael Mann‘s movies. In Heat, he pits a crew of skilled bank robbers against an ...