To live like a Blue Zone inhabitant you have to drink like one and that means plenty of red wine. The Mediterranean diet ...
A balanced diet with essential nutrients is very much needed for a growing child. However, with so many options available in ...
Incorporating fruits into your diet is a smart and delicious way to curb cravings and support healthy weight loss. Their high ...
Those who eat a stable diet of fruits, vegetables, and other carotenoid-rich foods may be perceived as healthy and attractive ...
A well-planned plant-based diet following Ayurvedic principles can lower cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk.
A healthy diet that adheres to nutrition recommendations is associated with better blood glucose levels and a lower risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, a new study from the University of Eastern ...
It’s the biggest killer in the UK and, despite killing twice as many women as breast cancer, heart disease is often ...
“Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown in clinical trails to improve depressive symptoms,” Marx said. Good sources include ...
Food and Health Survey reports nearly three-quarters of Americans (74%) believe that the food they consume significantly ...
Everyone wants a clear and glass skin, but unable to achieve it, but by including some foods in your diet, such as: lean ...
Looking for ways to slow down aging? Learn about the 25 foods that science suggests might help you age gracefully.
The American Heart Association recommends "at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week (which) can ...