Ball pythons were long assumed to be solitary, but scientists discovered the snakes in captivity prefer each others’ company when given the chance to live socially. By Asher Elbein The ball ...
The world's largest slithering snake is sure to send a tingle down your spine. There are over 3,000 snake species found around the world, according to National Geographic, that all have their own ...
A corn snake is only second in popularity to a ball python as a pet snake, and for good reason. Corn snakes are easy to ...
The 150-plus vendors ranged from hobbyists like the husband-and-wife team who recently started breeding western hognose snakes to the company Reptile Addicts, which has a 1,500-square-foot store ...
Hognose snakes are relatively small compared to other pet snakes, which makes them easier to care for. Their smaller size means they don't require large enclosures, and they're easier to handle than ...
Snake lungworm disease, which infects at least 19 snake species, is poised to spread throughout the southeastern U.S. Jenna Palmisano, a biologist at the University of Central Florida, holds a ...
The eastern hognose snake, also known as the "zombie snake," has a unique defense mechanism. When threatened, it rolls onto its back, opens its mouth, and plays dead. This harmless snake is not ...
Western Hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus) The western hognose snake is a small, burrowing species noted for its rusty orange or brownish back with darker blotches. Found across the U.S., this ...