This one-stop web portal hosts a wide range of information on employment, education, investment and immigration matters as well as social, recreational and cultural activities for those wanting to ...
Salaries tax is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. If a taxpayer receives chargeable income or incurs deductible expense in foreign currency, he / she has to report in equivalent amount of the income or ...
这是11月26日拍摄的长沙暮坪湘江特大桥合龙施工现场(无人机照片)。 当日,随着主跨合龙段最后一段横梁安装完成,长沙暮坪湘江特大桥顺利合龙。 据了解,暮坪湘江特大桥是连接长沙城南片区与大王山片区的快捷通道,由长沙城市发展集团有限责任公司 ...