With less water to go around and hotter conditions threatening many legacy crops, farmers are fallowing more acres and losing ...
Farmers in California are trying to plant crops that don't require a lot of water. Some are turning to growing agave as a ...
Demand for mezcal was low for years, but interest and sales have soared. The vast majority of the spirit is made in Oaxaca, ...
Some would say South Australia is too cold for the tropical agave plant, but one couple hopes to disprove that theory with the country's second-ever commercial agave planting.
The sap of agave plants, which is toxic to people if it's not cooked, is harvested from the heart of the plant. It's then extracted, filtered, and heated to create the product sold in stores.
It’s a familiar plant for Rodriguez. He grew up in a small town in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, where agave is everywhere. Generations of his family have cultivated the crop. He’d imagined ...
Agave, though, as a crop is a new idea for the United States. In California, it’s more often seen as part of decorative landscaping. That’s changing. Juan Rodriguez is among dozens of farmers who see ...