本港即将踏入秋季,哮喘病容易发作,但要小心使用短效气管舒张剂(SABA)。香港大学研究发现,近6成哮喘患者每年需使用3支或以上SABA,属过度依赖,增加入院及死亡风险。香港哮喘会建议,哮喘患者要跟从医护人员指示用药,确保使用吸入器的方法正确,并使用哮 ...
Two posters presented at the CHEST 2024 annual meeting underscore the importance of early identification and treatment of ...
Unsophisticated methods can still be used to hack ICS/OT — even so, many cyberattack claims are likely exaggerated. The US cybersecurity agency CISA on Wednesday reiterated a warning that ...
and groups C and D should take an ICS in combination. In terms of stable COPD management, the most important concept is to explain to the patients the disease progression to help them overcome the ...
COPD patients treated with formoterol presented a greater reduction in the mean total SGRQ score (WMD, -4.81; 95% CI, -7.28 to -2.33) compared with patients who received salmeterol (-2.06 ...