Optimal immune function necessitates a tight balance of the signaling pathways in both T- and B-cell compartments; these pathways are altered in both compartments in SLE and other autoimmune diseases.
Antibodies in milk are either transferred from plasma by transudation or locally produced by cells that migrate to the mammary gland from other mucosal sites. [16] Breast milk contains high ...
最近气温一降再降,冬天的昼夜温差也越来越大,身边不少人开始咳嗽、发烧,流感、腺病毒、支原体肺炎等呼吸道传染病也进入高发期。刷刷手机,关于流感疫苗、自我防护的讨论很多。其实,想要对付流感等病菌感染,除了接种疫苗、戴好口罩这些常规操作外,最重要的还是提升自身免疫力。可问题是,提高免疫力,说起来复杂又抽象 ...