汪小勇在访谈中开宗明义地表示,网络安全已上升到国家安全的战略层面,加快推进IPv6的规模部署和应用发展,提高关键基础设施的安全性和可靠性,成为网络空间创新发展、安全发展的重要目标。如何在广大用户无感知使用网络的前提下,进一步推进下一代互联网由IPv4 ...
近日,IPv6 Ready Logo委员会正式发布了SRv6一致性测试规范,这一举措标志着SRv6技术在全球范围内标准化进程的重要进展。SRv6,全称Segment Routing over ...
Another major concept concerns routing. IPv6 uses RA (Router Advertisement) instead of DHCP for address assignment. Local clients receive a globally routable prefix, meaning each device can ...
When it comes to home networking, many of us just rely on what the router or ISP gives us. IPv4 has been around for decades, and itâ s served us well, but youâ ve probably heard that IPv6 ...
These addresses enable devices to communicate, help route data packets, and serve as identification within the network. IP breaks down data into smaller packets, so that it can transmit over a network ...