Kathy Lien graduated from New York University's Stern School of Business and began her career on Wall Street at age 18, with a specific focus on currencies. She first worked at JPMorgan Chase ...
Kathy Lien from BK Asset Management shares her outlook on the unwind of Japanese Yen. Republican Responds to Donald Trump ...
Last week’s market moves seem driven by sentiment. While that can tell us something our brain doesn’t know, it can also ...
Unwinding of the yen carry trade is expected to continue in September, presenting risk of another large sell-off, according ...
今年以来,在全球多个主要央行货币政策前景变幻莫测、多国面临大选、地缘政治动荡持续的整体环境下,全球市场反复在“降息交易”和“经济衰退交易”之间来回横跳。8月初,在一系列经济数据爆冷后,市场出于担心美联储降息过晚、美国经济难以避免“硬着陆”风险萌发的“ ...
Kathy Lien, managing director of FX strategy at BK Asset Management, says many of the factors supporting the economy are "now at risk." Gymnastics Legend Nadia Comaneci Slams Olympics After Jordan ...
汇通财经APP讯—— Norinchukin Research Institute执行顾问、前日本金融服务厅高官Tomoko Amaya认为, 日本央行 今年仍有可能加息,意味着市场不能忽视“黑天鹅”再次飞出。 摩根士丹利策略师警告,若 美联储 ...
财联社9月9日讯(编辑 黄君芝) 日本金融厅前高级官员天谷知子(Tomoko Amaya)表示,鉴于最近的市场动荡(即“黑色星期一”)尚未产生持久影响,日本央行仍有可能在年底前再次加息。
对此,Norinchukin Research Institute执行顾问、前日本金融服务厅高官Tomoko Amaya认为, 日本央行今年仍有可能加息,意味着市场不能忽视“黑天鹅”再次飞出。 BK Asset ...
Tokyo/Shanghai/IBNS: Asia-Pacific markets declined on Monday (Sept 9), with Japan’s Nikkei 225 experiencing the sharpest ...
In this video, we look at very long-term charts to see where the next stop for USD/JPY could be if the rally continues.