近日,绿盟API安全监测与审计系统(APISec)成功入选国际知名咨询机构Forrester The API Security Software Landscape,Q32024市场报告(以下简称《报告》)。 《报告》指出,API的快速普及大大增加了组织的潜在攻击面。API对后端数据库的访问能力,使得数据成为攻击者在寻找敏感信息时的主要目标。在此背景下,威胁者越来越多地使用专有技术(例如注入攻击和 ...
Since the 2024 Shanghai International Light Festival opened on Thursday, the main venue of the Shanghai Exhibition Center has attracted more than 60,000 visits.
Volkswagen Group in April announced an investment of 2.5 billion euros (about 2.8 billion U.S. dollars) in expanding its ...
Guangwu Mountain Scenic Area boasts a unique land form blending peculiar ridge and peak clusters, lush vegetation, enchanting waterfalls and stunning canyon landscapes, while red leaves are the most ...
新闻网讯 9月10日,物理学院HUST-UULM中德量子传感与量子测量国际联合实验室蔡建明教授团队在量子传感与精密测量基础理论方面的最新成果以“Quantum Delocalization on Correlation Landscape: The ...
The 2024 Head of Shanghai River Regatta will once again bring together international teams and rowers on the iconic Suzhou ...
谕当今艺术圈中最具影响力的当代音乐家,Max Richter定是其一。自2002年推出首张专辑《Memoryhouse》以来,每张专辑都成为艺术圈热话,例如长达超过8小时的《Sleep》,刷新了大众对唱片的想像,更达成两项健力士世界纪录。2020年的 ...
Prof. Yimao Cai from Peking University Joins GMIF2024 to Explore the Evolution of In-Memory Computing Technologies in the AI ...
Kamala Harris is on track to secure the Democrats' nomination to challenge Republican hopeful Donald Trump in November's ...