The series blended animation, live-action, and stock footage from the Disney film catalog. In each short, Figment would invite a group of children to his playhouse in an imaginary realm called Figonia ...
Depression memes are an internet staple. Often utilizing dark humor, or gallows humor, memes such as the James Franco “First Time?” meme are a way that many people cope with negative emotions ...
A.B. Annie Aguiar is a reporter covering arts and culture and a member of the 2024-25 Times Fellowship class, a program for journalists early in their careers. More about Annie Aguiar Aurelien ...
Monday memes: It is a truth universally acknowledged that almost no one likes going back to work on Monday morning. From 8 a.m. meetings to small talk with coworkers you barely know, it can be ...
The meme (seen below), features a photo of Hart with a serious expression looking at the camera and the text, "How I feel sending a meme of a language to my that doesn't speak the language." The post ...
November 21, 2024: We have checked for new Meme Sea codes to add to this list. What are the new Meme Sea codes? When taking on an ocean of the internet’s most popular memes with a One Piece ...
The chat show host welcomed A.J., Big Justice, and The Rizzler to his stage, which kicked off a deluge of memes about the event. The most interesting element of this story though is what these ...