This week, PBS premiered “Leonardo da Vinci,” a two-part documentary by Ken Burns, whose previous films, most notably, “The Civil War,” “Baseball,” “Jazz,” and “The Vietnam War ...
Now Burns is delving into the fascinating life of 15th century genius Leonardo da Vinci, examining his life and his numerous roles as a draftsman, painter, and scientist. This venture marks the ...
LEGO is getting pretty creative with their latest LEGO Icons set as they bring Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machine to life. Originally designed in the late 15th century, this machine was a ...
Yet the acclaim for 2004’s National Treasure, one of the earliest notable works that emulated The Da Vinci Code’s success, has only grown in recent years. The Nicolas Cage-led movie about ...
Ken Burns has stepped out of his usual Americana-focused content to produce a new documentary covering the life of Leonardo da Vinci. It’s the first time the 15-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker ...
More than half a millennium after his death, Leonardo ... of the Rocks at the National Gallery in London in 2019. Scott Detrow: One of the most interesting things about da Vinci is the fact ...
More than half a millennium after his death, Leonardo da Vinci is still one of the most well ... The Virgin of the Rocks at the National Gallery in London in 2019. Scott Detrow: One of the most ...
Alongside research and conservation, education is one of the main functions of a museum and is one of the fundamental objectives of the current Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and ...