The Geologic Atlas of the Lunar Globe includes the Geologic Map of the Moon, the Lithologic Map of the Moon, and the Tectonic Map of the Moon. The Map Quadrangles of the Geologic Atlas of the Moon ...
The major findings of this study are summarized as follows. Using a displacement mutation criterion, the FOS of the mining slope is equal to 1.7. The possible sliding mass and slip surface are the ...
The correlation between lithologic boundaries and mineralization is very encouraging in the current mine area. The 2024 geophysical program will focus on collecting additional CSAMT resistivity ...
The remote sensing is a direct adjunct to the field, lithologic and structural mapping, and more recently, GIS has played an important role in the study of mineralization areas. The integration of ...
近日,中国石油天然气集团有限公司官网报道,截至2024年9月,位于鄂尔多斯盆地的长庆油田,累计产出油气量突破10亿吨,如果将这10亿吨的油气当量转化为原油,相当于80个西湖的容量。 长庆油田95%以上的储层属于世界级低渗透油气藏,“低渗透”是指油气在 ...
The Upper 8 target is a shallower geologic analog to the well-known high-grade 8-Zone and positioned within the same lithologic unit (Russet Lake Ultramafic) approximately 750m up-plunge from the ...
TITLE: Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Mineral Alteration Mapping and Lineament Extraction Case of Oudiane Elkharoub (Requibat Shield, Northern of Mauritania) ...