比利牛斯山脉(Pyrenees)位于法国和西班牙之间,形成了这两个国家的自然边界。该山脉从大西洋延伸到地中海,拥有雄伟的山峰、深邃的峡谷和美丽的湖泊。比利牛斯山脉以其壮丽的自然景观、丰富的生物多样性和悠久的历史文化吸引了众多游客。这里不仅适合徒步旅行 ...
Goods stored in a bonded warehouse can be modified onsite for the local market.存放在保税仓库的货物可以在现场进行修改以适应当地市场。 Inspection of the goods can also be performed in the bonded warehouse. 保税仓库还可以进行货物的检查。
温哥华港(Port of Vancouver)是加拿大最大的港口,也是北美洲最繁忙的港口之一。这个港口不仅是加拿大西海岸的商业和贸易中心,也是游客探索温哥华及其周边自然景观的绝佳起点。温哥华港地处美丽的温哥华市中心,与城市的主要景点和自然风光紧密相连 ...
First group of South Korean tourists entering China via Zhengzhou airport visit Southern Taihang Mountains in Xinxiang ...
当前,生物技术革命浪潮席卷全球并加速融入经济社会发展,为人类应对生命健康、气候变化、资源能源安全、粮食安全等重大挑战提供了崭新的解决方案。总部位于丹麦的诺和新元集团(下称诺和新元)就是代表性企业之一。由诺维信和科汉森两家历史悠久的企业合并而成的诺和新 ...
如果当地合同纠纷未能得到解决,福特汽车公司River ...
This year, I welcomed over 1,200 international friends in Xuzhou and led teams into local markets such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia. I have just returned from research trips in Australia and Indonesia, ...
China imported 887 million ringgit (204.5 million U.S. dollars) worth of durians out of Malaysia's 1.14 billion ringgit in durian exports in 2022 alone, Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority's ...
Shanghai's vibrant international community, Biyun, has celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with a lively beer festival. Biyun, ...
BEIRUT, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- The death toll in explosions of wireless communication devices across Lebanon on Wednesday rose ...