A theater production about the life story of the legendary Peking opera artist Mei Lanfang will be presented at BOCOM New ...
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The play was originally written by Ding Luonan and Wu Xiaojun, and premiered at Shanghai's Tianchan Yifu Theater in 1994. From 2006 to 2016. the play was revived and went on tour to Beijing and ...
根据《2024年商洛市事业单位引进高层次人才招聘公告》和《2024年洛南县事业单位引进高层次人才考试通知》,现将参加笔试人员成绩和面试分组名单通知如下: 一、笔试成绩及进入面试人员名单(详见附件1) 二、面试分组名单(详见附件2) 三、请参加上午面试的 ...