Each principle includes examples of best practices that can be used to develop and support mentoring activities. Faculty can reflect on applying the principles to their mentoring practice using the ...
Approaches to mentoring need to be more considered, responding to the needs and expectations of individual mentees rather ...
Relationship-centered mentoring can (re)align expectations and better prepare postdocs for career success, Paola Cépeda and ...
The University of Delaware Graduate College offers a range of resources for both faculty mentors and their student mentees, including training sessions, guides to creating a formal mentoring plan and ...
Faculty mentors and postdocs should meet at least annually to discuss and refine the mentoring plan and IDP (separate and apart from any performance management conversations).
Sample models include myIDP (designed for scientists) and ImaginePhD (designed for the humanities and social sciences). Results have shown that postdocs who develop a training plan with their ...