Apple has shrunk down the Mac mini this year will still increasing the processing power and RAM. If there was ever a year to get a new mini, this is it.
第三方加密软件:如VeraCrypt、Rohos Mini Drive等,适用于各种操作系统 ... BitLocker功能在家庭版中不可用。 2. 插入U盘 (Insert the USB Flash Drive) 将U盘插入计算机的USB接口,系统会自动识别并显示U盘。 右键点击U盘的驱动器图标,选择“启用BitLocker”(Turn on BitLocker)。
The UnifyDrive UT2 is a pocket-sized device that looks a lot like a portable SSD. But it’s much more than that. It’s also a full-fledged network-attached storage device that you can use at home or on ...