Remi Monaghan is a sports reporter and weekend sports anchor at FOX 17. Remi came to West Michigan after working in North Texas and Southeastern Oklahoma for the last three years. She served as a ...
Think about a recent change or period of uncertainty in your career. How did this experience make you feel, and what did you learn from it? Reflect on how embracing uncertainty can help you grow ...
Life is meant to be lived, Leo. You’ve gone through some rather challenging phases of growth recently, and even those uncomfortable moments where you were guided to embrace your truth more ...
‘Tis the season for healthy hedonism! (But isn’t it always in the life of a Leo?) There’s a reason we say this though. On Monday, November 11 radiant Venus swoops into Capricorn and your ...
Want to make a difference? Consider your options as the moon harmonizes with Jupiter. How can you give back? There are many ways to support your community. Donate lightly used items. Volunteer. Do ...