Several major automobile insurance companies are seeking approval to raise premiums they charge in New Brunswick by 10 per cent or more, blaming rising vehicle repair costs, car thefts ...
New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Quebec are raising questions about compensation for lost tax revenue after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced plans for a two-month targeted GST cut on ...
US rapper Kendrick Lamar has released a surprise new album called GNX. The 12-track album, which is the performer's sixth studio release, dropped on his social media pages, external at around 17: ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin said his forces may use a new missile again after targeting Ukraine in retaliation for Kyiv’s use of American and British-made weapons on Russian territory this ...
A New Brunswick court has found that First Nations can seek title to vast areas of privately owned land in the province, but to do so they have to go through the Crown rather than the companies ...
Legendary and beloved property master, the late Phil Shea was recently honored by NBC network’s brand-new sitcom St. Denis Medical. At the end of the show’s third episode Weird Stuff You Can ...
St. Denis Medical, NBC’s new workplace comedy from Eric Ledgin and Justin Spitzer, ended its third episode with a touching tribute card honoring the late, great Phil Shea. After St. Denis ...
PAWTUCKET – Nearly a year after Shea Fashion went citywide, and with the organization ready to celebrate its 15th anniversary in the coming year, the nonprofit is now settled into a physical ...
A flytrap sculptures installation in downtown Wilmington as part of the pedestrian art program from the Arts Council of Wilmington and New Hanover County. (Port City Daily/File)) WILMINGTON ...