Nanomedicine is a branch of medicine that applies the knowledge and tools of nanotechnology to the prevention and treatment of disease. Nanomedicine involves the use of nanoscale materials, such ...
捷波资讯成立于 1986 年,是一家老牌硬件厂商,此前曾推出过零售消费级主板产品。华硕旗下研扬科技(AEEON)2023 年通过换股方式收购了捷波, 捷波因此加入了华硕大家族 。
在DIY电脑配置的世界中,散热性能、设计美学与整体质感往往是衡量一款机箱优劣的重要标准。近日,Torrent Nano作为一款全新的ITX整机搭配,凭借其精致的外观、卓越的散热性能以及合理的风道设计,迅速引起了广大玩家和DIY人士的关注和讨论。本文将深度解析Torrent Nano的设计特点及其在实际使用中的表现,带您一探究竟。
川升带鱼屏34英寸准4K144Hz曲面LG面板NANO-IPS电脑显示器是一款高性能的显示屏产品。它采用了先进的NANO-IPS面板技术,能够提供清晰、细腻的图像显示效果,同时支持高达144Hz的刷新率,让画面更加流畅自然。 这款显示器还采用了曲面设计,使得视野更加宽广 ...
Articles focused on active research areas, wherein an emphasis is placed on the relationship between the materials or interface synthesis, structure and/or properties and applications. This virtual ...
用户可以根据实际拍摄情况,选择最合适的模式进行拍摄。 这枚镜头还采用了浮动对焦技术,2个NANO USM超声波马达分别驱动两组镜片进行对焦,对焦距离更近,速度更快。另外这两个小型NANO USM超声波马达也可以让镜头体积更小,并且对焦过程更加安静。
11月21日,华为终端通过一段充满悬念的视频,正式宣布其即将推出的Mate X6将搭载全新的分布式玄武架构。视频中展示了高温炙烤、寒冰冷冻、刮擦测试、撞击挑战及悬挂重物等五个极端测试场景,暗示Mate X6将拥有卓越的耐用性和抗造能力,这一特性在其前代 ...
the order in Oct. should send out during 11.15~12.15. Lichee NanoKVM is an IP-KVM product based on LicheeRV Nano, inheriting the extreme size and powerful features of LicheeRV Nano. The Lichee NanoKVM ...
Why is the Torrent Nano our favorite pick for building a small ... It's slightly larger than many other Mini-ITX cases, but it excels in ease of assembly, delivers whizzy airflow with its large ...