TEXARKANA, Texas - Texarkana Water Utilities is temporarily changing its disinfection process over the next few weeks.
While agriculture producers apply nitrogen fertilizer to supply nutrients to their crops, they can't always keep those ...
These clump the silt particles together, making it easier for the filter media to remove them. Don’t confuse these with products that improve filter performance by encouraging the growth of the ...
After a few days, autotrophic bacteria called Nitrosomonas start to grow. These nitrifying bacteria break down the nitrogen in the ammonia by oxidising it to nitrite. Nitrite is less harmful, but ...
Nordcee, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Nordcee, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark Oxygen was monitored constantly during the incubations with trace fluorescence oxygen ...
The liquid portion of the waste stream goes to a nitrogen module where the liquid flows between tanks in a circulating loop undergoing denitrification due to anaerobic activity in one tank, and ...
Anthony Turton says that ideology is regarded as paramount by govt when it comes to the sector, while reality counts only as a secondary factor South Africa is a water-constrained country with a vital ...