In the original Pac-Man (released in October 1980 as an arcade game in Japan), the red ghost Blinky was written to follow behind Pac-Man, Pinky is tasked with getting in front of Pac-Man, Clyde ...
Man for real? I mean actually physically run around a maze collecting power pellets and dodging the classic ghosts Blinky, Pinky Inky and Clyde? Of course, you have. And now you can.Tom ...
When it comes time to take out the giant glowing-yellow Pac-Man ... as the ghosts. Squint at the cars' license plates to spot a subtle, visual joke. They are called Inky, Pinky, Blinky and ...
Pac-Man, the bright yellow ... eating dots and occasionally fruit for extra points while avoiding four cunning ghosts named Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. The greatest joy however, comes from ...