IBCN annual meeting included a keynote lecture by Dr. Niko Beerenwinkel discussing inferring tumor evolution from single-cell data. Although the majority of work has been done in other cancers (ie.
Department of Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany; Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology o ...
With 84 species currently described, Characidium may be the most diverse fish genus known to science. This is the conclusion ...
Climate change and asteroids are linked with animal origin and extinction -- and plate tectonics also seems to play a key evolutionary role, 'groundbreaking' new fossil research reveals. The discovery ...
Keywords: allelopathy, plant modeling, global change, plant interactions, artificial intelligence, interactive database, image analysis, agroecosystems, microbiome, biological and theoretical modeling ...
Scientists have estimated the size of an extinct flying reptile called a pterosaur, based on fragments of a fossil finger ...
It was so long ago, that sometimes it feels like only yesterday. It was the end of 1987, and there I was, a graduate student ...
Tsuboi, M, Kopperud, BT, Matschiner, M, Grabowski, M, Syrowatka, C, Pélabon, C and Hansen, TF (2024) Antler Allometry, the ...
By Sanjeewa Jayaweera With less than three weeks left to choose a President who will lead our country for the next five years ...
Together, they will emphasize the critical role of blind snakes in maintaining ecological balance and discuss the urgent need ...
Tree performance is generally considered as the consequence of the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes.