Along the Beijing Central Axis, there is a calligraphy studio – Zhuang Peisen Calligraphy Art Studio. The owner of this studio is master Zhuang Peisen, an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage ...
Led by master conductor Paul Bateman, the NSO will deliver a unique British New Year's concert, featuring Strauss' iconic New ...
自 2021 年起,公关机构 Reboot 每年都会评选出 “最性感秃头男士” 这一称号,尽管这可能看起来有些令人惊讶。而今年,依旧是威廉王子摘得桂冠,他在满分 10 分的评分中获得了 9.86 分,超过了诸如巨石德维恩-约翰逊(Dwayne ...
刚于太古开业的新欧陆菜西餐厅Té Bo,店名的灵感来自法语「T'es beau」,意思是「你很美丽」,名字很浪漫,菜式亦经过用心设计。年轻主厨Sebastian ...
BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- China's State Council Information Office on Friday released a white paper titled "China's Rural Roads in the New Era" to introduce the achievements and vision of rural ...
近日,2024年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会在浙江乌镇举行。小新现场采访世界互联网大会副理事长、世界知识产权组织前总干事高锐、全球移动通信系统协会首席执行官洪曜庄等多位外宾大咖,快来看看外宾们都对中国互联网有何评价吧! (林卓玮) ...
Do you truly know yourself? Before meeting Adina Deacu, my answer would have been, “Of course!” One ordinary Friday, I ...
top mainland varsities like Tsinghua, Peking University, and Tongji University; those closer to home in the GBA such as the ...