An object up to dozens of times the mass of Jupiter flying through our solar system may have disrupted planetary orbits.
New research reveals a fourth planet in the Kepler-51 system, altering our understanding of this unique system with three ...
It’s hard to find a star more like the Sun in its early years than Kepler-51, and harder to find a planetary system more ...
Astronomers discover a fourth planet in Kepler-51, challenging planetary formation theories with new questions.
Compared to the previous observations (left), the new ALMA observations (right) at longer wavelengths can better see into the dust ring and reveal a concentration of dust to the north-west (upper ...
Encountering Neptune in 1989, NASA’s Voyager mission completed humankind’s first close-up exploration of the four giant outer ...
Indian astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery in a unique triple-star system, shedding light on how planets could ...
The moderate tilts and slightly elongated paths of these planets — long considered a mystery — could be the result of a ...
Do we have a planetary bias when it comes to understanding where life can perpetuate? It's only natural that we do. After all ...
"If trying to explain how three super puffs formed in one system wasn’t challenging enough, now we have to explain a fourth ...
When Oumuamua traversed our Solar System in 2017 it was the first confirmed Interstellar Object (ISO) to do so. Then in 2019, ...
A new study has looked into the possibility that our Solar System could capture and provide a home for a rogue planet as they ...