Kafka. In Love, the latest animated short film by Latvian director Zane Oborenko, will have its national premiere at the Riga ...
Edmunds Jansons, the acclaimed Latvian director, has just premiered his latest animated short film, Freeride in C, at the ...
Introducing the new name of the academic network of the World Health Summit and the WHS brand family with a new look The international academic network of the World Health Summit, has a new name. The ...
Chancellor Scholz, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros, Bill Gates at the most important international forum on global health. On Sunday, the World Health Summit, the leading international forum for global ...
BERLIN, GERMANY – Newsaktuell – 1 October 2024 – The financing of WHO, Germany’s role in global health, antimicrobial resistance, Mpox, digitalization – topics like these are on the ...
7 JANUARY 2016: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces the release of PostgreSQL 9.5. This release adds UPSERT capability, Row Level Security, and multiple Big Data features, which will ...
10 SEPTEMBER 2012: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces PostgreSQL 9.2, the latest release of the leader in open source databases. Since the beta release was announced in May, developers ...