A GLASS of fizz is a must-have for many of us over Christmas and New Year. But which supermarket version is the highest quality – for the lowest price?  We’ve tested some festive ...
Classic Wine & Cheese Pairings: Parmigiano and Prosecco Few pairings are as happy as cheese and wine, and some matches are straight-up sublime. Case in point: Mouthwatering aged Parmigiano-Reggiano ...
The factory makes 15 types of drunken cheese soaked in different wines: red, white, and even Prosecco, which is typical of Veneto (Treviso's region). The most popular is "Ubriaco di Raboso" made ...
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and chunks of cheese from all over the world; all you need to do is ask, and he'll let you taste a slice of sharp-flavored, five-year-aged Dutch Gouda, wine-infused Ubriacco Prosecco ("big fat ...