目前《无限暖暖》的PS5版日服PS Store页面已经更新,并且显示该作将于12月5日正式上线,参与早期购买的玩家可以获得游戏中的资源。
Sony has quietly added another game to the list of 2024's PS5 console exclusives, if a PS Store update is anything to go by.
PS5 Pro has received a helpful PS Store update ahead of launch. The console officially releases tomorrow, November 7.
The new Sony PlayStation 5 Pro is available to pre-order right now before it’s available in-store from Thursday, 7th November ...
开发商Hexworks分享了动作游戏《堕落之主》PS5 Pro增强版的更新细节。与《心灵杀手2》和《瑞奇与叮当时空跳转》等游戏一样,《堕落之主》也将受益于PS5 ...
近日,PlayStation Store 后台数据追踪网站 PS Deals 发现,经典 PS1 恐怖游戏《鬼屋魔影2》(Alone in the Dark 2)将于近期登陆 PS5 和 PS4。
If you placed a PlayStation 5 Pro pre-order, then there's only a matter of days to go until your shiny new system arrives.
The PlayStation Store has begun listing December 4 and 5, 2024, as the release date for Infinity Nikki, depending on the timezone you’re checking the page from.
If you're picking up a PS5 Pro, here's all 55 confirmed games which will be enhanced by the console's extra power.
Ahead of its official launch next week, a video game store in Germany has shown off the PS5 Pro in detail in a video.
2024年10月,卡普空公司再次向玩家发出新的狩猎邀请——《怪物猎人:荒野》的PS5公测预载即将开启。这一消息无疑为全球的《怪物猎人》粉丝带来了兴奋和期待的情绪。今天,让我们深入探讨这一公测的具体内容、玩家获得的专属福利以及如何在新作中尽情体验猎人的乐趣。 《怪物猎人:荒野》作为卡普空的经典IP之一,自发布以来,就以其丰富的内容、精美的画面以及引人入胜的狩猎体验吸引了无数玩家。在这一最新作中,玩家 ...
IT之家 10 月 27 日消息,卡普空宣布,《生化危机 2 重制版》《生化危机 3 重制版》《生化危机 7 黄金版》三款游戏将推出 PS5 实体版。据介绍,每款游戏售价 29.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 214 元人民币),将于 12 月 6 ...