Dry herb vaporizers like the Volcano Classic are an excellent choice for artists looking to unwind before a recording session ...
VIENNA — Lawo and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW), one of the world’s most renowned music ...
Downtown Portland has been derided by numerous naysayers in regard to its livability and viability for the future, with some proclaiming that the city has become an “Urban Doom Loop.” But not all have ...
Lesedi Local Municipality (LLM), in partnership with the Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts and Culture, launched a ...
Members of the music streaming platform YUME earn an average of $70 to $300 a month just from listening to music, says YUME ...
Independent Venue Week, the UK’s annual seven-day celebration of independent music and arts venues have revealed Gwenno and ...
However, Tizer runs with an inspired rearrangement of U2’s breakout song with a piano-driven version. Tizer and his band have ...
Whether it’s music or real estate, Neil Greenhaw is a creator. “I love creating. I love envisioning something. And just like ...
Gwenno and Redolent will perform exclusive gigs during Independent Venue Week. They join YolanDa Brown OBE DL, the ...
Apples in Stereo's Robert Schneider announced Hart's death from natural causes on the same OTC released their first new music ...
We currently live in an age of audio wonders. Recording technology, software, and computer programs like Pro Tools mean that ...
After a performance of “The Devil Wears Prada” in London, John told the crowd that the effects of an eye infection were ...