Roti Kapda Romance is a Telugu romantic drama movie directed by Vikram Reddy. The movie casts Harsha Narra, Sandeep Saroj, Supraj Ranga, Tarun, Sonu Thakur, Nuveksha, Megha Lekha, and Khushboo ...
Chapati is a staple flatbread in Kenya, where you’ll often see it made with mashed vegetables such as pumpkin or squash. It’s one of the first dishes that Kiano Moju learned to make as a ...
Roti is an essential component of an Indian meal. Take a break from the regular versions and try this paneer roti instead. It is high in protein and super easy to make. Paneer is one of those foods we ...
The internet is abuzz with claims that ragi and jowar are healthier alternatives to wheat. But is this true? Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of each type of roti The health benefits of millet ...