Saeb Erekat served as the Palestinians' chief negotiator in peace talks with Israel for the past two and a half decades One of the most prominent Palestinian political figures, Saeb Erekat ...
As Saeb Erekat, a leading PLO official, bluntly put it, “They will surrender to hunger and distress and they will have no choice.” On the Israeli side, the rationale for the blockade was based ...
Al-Monitor is an award-winning media outlet covering the Middle East, valued for its independence, diversity and analysis. It is read widely by US, international and Middle East decision makers at the ...
It hasn't advanced the cause of peace," he added. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the US decision was a risk to "global stability, security, and peace" and said it threatened to ...
PLO official Saeb Erekat condemned ex-minister Fathi Hammad’s call to “attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter and killing.” (JTA) — A senior Hamas official urged Palestinians ...
“I see [Palestinian negotiator] Saeb Erekat a lot more than I see my wife and kids,” he said, promising that if he and Palestinian moderates fail to reach an agreement, their goal is “to ...
The report, which disputed a claim by then-Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat that 500 people had been killed in Jenin, faulted all combatants for putting civilians in harm's way.
Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) Executive Committee, Saeb Erekat, said on Thursday that no one can remove the files of Jerusalem, refugees and settlements from ...
He spent his formative years imbibing the normalization of violence as dozens of Palestinians used vehicles to attack Israelis, while his uncle, PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat, rewarded their ...
The report, which disputed a claim by then-Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat that 500 people had been killed in Jenin, faulted all combatants for putting civilians in harm's way.
The report, which disputed a claim by then-Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat that 500 people had been killed in Jenin, ...