This data can be accessed as tables registered in a data catalog. Delta is used as the table format. The Spark data pipeline consumes data from the raw layer (incrementally, for a given execution date ...
I specialize in turning raw data into actionable insights through efficient workflows and advanced tools. Can you integrate my existing tools into a new data pipeline? Yes, I can work with your ...
Prerequisites: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS version is needed. spark: pig: ...
AnaptysBio’s drug candidates rosnilimab and ANB032 hold key trial results ahead. Find out why ANAB stock is impacted by ...
Spark’s current market valuation is just over $2 billon, its share price taking a major hit when data from its haemophilia A candidate was outshone by a rival pipeline therapy from BioMarin.
Comprehensive ETL pipeline observability frameworks were established under his guidance that set a new standard for data ...
The big data revolution exposed the inadequacy of older technologies and paved the way for newer technologies. One of those ...
A monthly overview of things you need to know as an architect or aspiring architect.