Pavel Durov, the billionaire CEO of Telegram, funded fertility treatment for women using his sperm to conceive. A clinic in Moscow is advertising the service, which it said is paid for by a "very ...
The billionaire founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, is so willing to spread his seed that he’s reportedly offered up his sperm for free to Russian women who use IVF. The Mirror reports that Durov ...
What came first, the chicken or the egg? It's one of life's great mysteries because you can't have a chicken without an egg, but equally you can't have an egg without a chicken. This conundrum of ...
It’s hard to believe what people can find to argue about these days, but one big kerfuffle in the culinary world is about how to crack an egg. Some home cooks say hitting the shell on a flat surface, ...
Videos on the company's website show a robot folding a cardboard box and putting eggs into a carton. Physical Intelligence acknowledged there are still bugs to work out — the startup's post also ...
Except this one featured an unusual additive – salmon sperm. It elicited many questions from curious friends: “How do they extract the sperm from the salmon?” was a common query. I ...
So, Ms McPherson is looking at egg and sperm donation to begin the IVF process. The 33-year-old said her time was ticking and she felt it was “now or never” to try for a baby. “I got ...