中国体育博物馆于1990年第十一届亚洲运动会开幕之日建成并对外开放,坐落于国家奥林匹克体育中心东南侧,是中国第一家国家级体育类综合性博物馆,隶属国家体育总局。 馆内收藏体育文物藏品一万余件(套)。藏品种类丰富,涉及自春秋时代(公元前770年 ...
据星空Sports 报道 NBA费城76人先前传出有意将主场迁移至别的城市,纽泽西开出优渥条件积极争取,让76人球团相当心动,让费城球迷十分担忧,不过此事近期已有结果,费城市长帕克(Cherelle Parker)昨(19)日宣布「76人将留在费城」 ...
文章《New Era in Women’s Sports Fueled by Decades of Women Donors/数十年来女性捐赠人的支持推动了女子体育的新时代》发布在慈善纪事报上,作者是Sara ...
9月11日,由《GOLF VACATIONS高球假期》主办的“2024高球热选大奖”颁奖典礼于长安高尔夫球乡村俱乐部隆重上演。今年适逢中国高尔夫发展的第40个年头,借此契机,“2024高球热选大奖”再次致敬每一位为中国高尔夫发展作贡献的个人和团体。
In the final quarter of 2024, Hangzhou will host multiple national and international sporting events that will attract ...
At a dance studio in Beijing, B-Girl Wang Yufan moved effortlessly to a pulsating beat, her fluid movements and sharp spins ...
中秋佳节前夕,外高桥招商引资工作迎来新进展。外高桥集团下属新发展公司与长城汽车签订物业租赁合同,将在新展城Xin Park园区设立长城汽车在上海的首家智选直营旗舰店。
谈及宝马i5,其被人们谈论最多的“矛盾点”当属过于颠覆的外观设计。初看之下,确实很难让人联想到与此前数代车型的传承,但突破、不拘泥常规也正是“创新宝马”刻在骨子里的基因。况且,只有回过头去看,才会发现宝马很多诞生之初并不起眼的设计在日后都会被奉为经典 ...
The club will feature a 42-meter-deep diving pool, which is nearing completion and is expected to start trial operations in ...
Experience the ultimate night out at the Oriental Sunset Rooftop Party, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Shanghai ...
As the city's newest self-developed sports event, Tour of Shanghai will be held from September 20 to 22 in the suburban ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...