Rice can cause a few problems when it comes to getting the perfect texture. We're here with an easy solution that you won't ...
关于吃饭应不应该“干湿分离”,小某书上又吵起来了。觉得应该的人说,吃食物和喝水必须分离开,不然淀粉会发生糊化反应,餐后血糖会升得更高。坚持不应该的人讲,吃饭不喝水怎么能咽得下去,而且饭前先喝汤不是能减肥么?这两种说法,都只对了一半。吃东西的同时喝水, ...
When you want flourless gravy that has the perfect velvety consistency, there's only one carbohydrate you need. Here's why ...
This method not only softened the kernels and enhanced their flavor but also significantly improved their nutritional value. 3 Nixtamalization led to partial starch gelatinization, partial lipid ...
The world's thinnest spaghetti, about 200 times thinner than a human hair, has been created by a UCL-led research team. The spaghetti is not intended to be a new food but was created because of ...
Baking then sets the shape of a multitude of baked products through protein denaturation and gelatinization of the starch component. Plant breeding has improved the 'gluten strength' of wheat ...
那么,原因是不是淀粉的糊化反应(starch gelatinization)呢? 淀粉是多数主食的主要成分,是大量葡萄糖分子聚合而成的高分子碳水化合物,可以在人体内被酶分解为葡萄糖并升高血糖。 食物中的天然淀粉颗粒难以被消化,在足量水中被加热到一定温度后 ...