In 2019 White Paper on the Social Value of China's Online Media, published by the State Information Center (Administration Center of China E-government Network), China News Network came out on top in ...
本项目在测试时使用Widar 3.0中的步态数据进行测试,其文件名格式为id-a-b-Rx.dat,其中各字段含义如下: 'id': 用户id 'a': 路径编号 'b': 重复次数,奇数次为朝向发射设备方向,偶数次为远离发射设备方向 'Rx': Wi-Fi接收器编号 需要注意的是,由于多普勒频移特征的 ...
The recent death of Ronald H. Coase, the founding father of new institutional economics, is a great loss to Chinese economists who are seeking an effective framework for understanding China’s ongoing ...
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