The series, titled "The Sticky," follows Ruth Landry (played by Margo Martindale), "a tough, middle-aged maple syrup farmer," who joins hands with a hot-tempered Bostonian mobster and a mild ...
Guillaume Cyr as Remy Bouchard, Margo Martindale as Ruth Clarke, and Chris Diamantopoulos as Mike Byrne in Prime Video's "The Sticky." In late 2011 and early 2012, nearly 3,000 tons of maple syrup ...
Many, many years ago, our friend Miriam Benzaquen posted a sticky date pudding recipe on Facebook. I decided it was the perfect dessert and made it for my family. It was a hit, so I added it to my ...
The Sticky features Dexter star Margo Martindale as a tough farmer who resorts to drastic action when the authorities threaten her livelihood."I first thought this couldn't be a real thing," Margo has ...