Yellow Submarine is a 1968 animated jukebox musical fantasy adventure comedy film inspired by the music of the Beatles, directed by animation producer George Dunning, and produced by United Artists ...
The 35-minute documentary, A Barrow-Built Submarine Story, chronicles significant moments in Barrow's submarine history, from the Nordenfelts and Hollands to the Astute-class submarines and the AUKUS ...
"The Yellow Submarine film has left an indelible mark on pop culture," he said. "This collectible captures that magic and offers fans a tangible piece of that legacy." Mark Sutton, co-founder and ...
The Great Patriotic War The Soviet submarine T9 passing through the minefields of the North Sea penetrates the enemy port Sailors drown enemy transport ships but soon find out that they are late ...
Submarine commander Ken White is forced to suddenly submerge, leaving his captain and another crew member to die outside the sub during WW II. Subsequent years of meaningless navy ground ...