IT之家 11 月 3 日消息,任天堂在日本申请的一项新专利现已通过专利局审核,该专利显示任天堂将为旗下 Switch 游戏机推出一款新的 VR 外设 ...
02 任天堂或会为其下一代Switch制作一款新的Labo VR附加组件 10月30日据Roadtovr报道,任天堂发布了一项新专利,该专利可能指向其期待已久的 Switch 继任 ...
Odyssey seems to be building a case that the Switch 2 will have VR or mixed reality in some way, either as a core part of the console, or an optional gimmick. And as we stated before, with Apple ...