Not only does it help keep their blood pressure down, but as a result, it can reduce the risk of having a heart attack and ...
这项名为ESPRIT的研究指出,在高血压患者中,不论是否有糖尿病或中风病史,相比于将收缩压控制在140 mm Hg以下的传统治疗, 将收缩压进一步降低至120 mm Hg以下 ,会更有效地 减少心脏病和中风等心血管疾病 的风险,同时也能 ...
Systolic hypertension is a major health economy problem within our aging society. Increased arterial stiffness is the vascular phenotype of systolic hypertension, especially of the large arteries.
Eating four daily servings of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and kale may help lower blood pressure, compared to ...
今天,英特尔发布了超高能效的x86处理器家族——英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra ...
On several repeat measurements the same thing was found -- a high systolic but normal diastolic pressure. A subsequently purchased home monitor originally gave systolic readings of about 135 mm Hg ...
A reel posted on Instagram states that Shitkari Pranayam can cure toothache. The claim made by the user is FALSE. Claim There ...
The global burden of stroke is considerable, according to a study published in the October issue of The Lancet Neurology.
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are pioneering a new approach to blood pressure monitoring—using the devices we ...
左室射血时间(Left Ventricular Ejec‐tion Time ,LVET ) 、收缩时间比率 (Systolic Time Ratio ,STR) 、左室作功/左室作功指数(Left Cardiac Work/Index ,LCW/ LCWI) 。 准确性:热稀释法连续测定心排量是公认的金标准,多中心临床研究显示,与TEB测定的CO二者相关系数 ...
Climate change and worsening diets are sending global rates of stroke and stroke deaths skyward, a new study warns.