The fight at P'ohang-dong occurred between North and South Korean forces on the northeastern line. ROK artillery supporting the ROK 1st Division fires near Taegu. Note that the guns are in fact 90 mm ...
Aerial refueling is a crucial force multiplier and U.S. military has relied on this capability since the Vietnam War.
One of the 88 houses in the new U.S. Korean Military Advisory Group (KMAG) housing compound at the Seoul Area Command. The ...
Kim’s men met “Mike” Michaelis’ men at a road junction 15 miles northwest of Taegu. General Kim looked the situation over and decided to hit young Colonel Michaelis smack in the nose.
Shaban (Sha'ban), Ramadan (also spell as Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan), Shawwal, Dhul-Qadah (Dhu al-Qi'dah or Zu al-Qa'dah) and Dhul-Hijjah (Dhu al-Hijjah or Zu al-Hijjah). Today Arabic date for Pusan, ...
On Aug. 31, in preparation for the September offensive, North Korean forces captured Miryang and Samnangin, hoping to cut off the Americans’ supply route between Taegu (today’s Daegu ...
The digit identified the city where the car was registered. A license plate that read 5-4187, for example, was a US Army car registered in Taegu. Vehicles to be used on a US military base had a white ...
We couldn't find Concerts in Busan at the moment.
Read an issue on 31 Aug 1950 in Connellsville, Pennsylvania and find what was happening, who was there, and other important and exciting news from the times. You can also check out other issues in The ...