武当山由九宫组成,是其灵魂所在,每一宫都是一段传奇,恰似九颗璀璨星辰,相互呼应,共同构成了一个庞大而神秘的 道家宫观 体系。 作为九宫之首的 玉虚宫, 位于武当山北麓,被誉为“山中甲宫”,是探索 武当仙山不可错过的圣地 。 Wudang ...
Borbalan believes that the Sino-French Culture Forum is “a very important forum for the common understanding, common critical thinking, and common willing of good future” for the peoples of China and ...
玉之润泽,恰似道家所追求的心灵纯净无垢,是天地精华的凝聚。 On one hand, “Yu” (jade),in Taoism culture, has been a symbol of purity, nobility, and sanctity since ancient times. The luster of jade mirrors Taoists’ pursuit of an ...