The documentary, directed by multi-award-winning filmmaker Kim A. Snyder, will screen in Sundance's Premieres lineup.
Despite her busy schedule, Shobhana Padinjhattil always made sure she never skipped the International Film Festival of Kerala ...
Sundance 2025's just released feature film & episodic programs reveal a changing festival full of stars, politics & possibly ...
Viola Davis, who plays U.S. President Danielle Sutton in upcoming action thriller feature “G20,” says she didn't model the ...
From a convention for fans of an 18th-century Austrian monarch to cheerleader tryouts at AT&T Stadium, charting the myriad passions of a population of true believers.
We would like to find out more about families in the US who are gathering together for the upcoming holidays, or who spent ...
We’re seeing naked announcements that the bureau is going to be used as a political weapon,” says Pulitzer-prize winning ...
What’s Going On is a listing of activities taking place throughout the Downriver community. To submit an event, send an email to [email protected]. List the time, date, location, ...
Spike Lee discussed serving as jury president at the Red Sea Film Festival and the role of the FBI, CIA and NYPD in the assassination of Malcolm X.
Democrats are finally waking up to the fact that Trump Republicans have succeeded in framing issues to their advantage. While ...
If you don’t remember that story about Everett Dutschke, a Mississippi karate instructor who mailed ricin to President Obama ...
Understanding the Wonders of Nature." Nature is capable of extraordinary phenomena. Standing in awe of those phenomena, we experience a feeling of connection to others, to wildlife, or to the cosmos.