Rob Speyer, Chief Executive Officer of Tishman Speyer, shares his view on Shanghai's 2035 outlook. He said: "I believe that Shanghai can harness the power of a technology-driven paradigm shift over ...
上海博物馆主办、卡地亚支持的展览 “满庭芳菲:卡地亚的艺术魔力”( Cartier, the Power of Magic)将于今年11月初在上海博物馆东馆启幕,由蔡国强与其团队量身开发的人工智能模型cAI™(读作AI Cai)担任展览场景与视觉总监 ...
This report provides deeper insights into how Hispanic fans engage with sports media and are shaping the future of U.S. sports culture.
With heart and passion, Lucie’s exhibition, “Happy Birds: A Journey of Love,” featuring 50 drawings, will run from Sep 15 to ...