The Radif of Iranian music is the traditional repertoire of the classical music of ... r,'' as well as the ''santur'' hammered zither, ''kam?nche'' spike fiddle and ''ney'' reed pipe. Passed from ...
After graduating with distinction from the National Conservatory of Music in Hanoi and winning a national zither competition in 1995, Võ moved to the United States and began a ground-breaking career, ...
She's also a composer and passionate advocate for Chinese traditional music. Maya Youssef from Syria is hailed as ‘queen of the qanun,’ the 78-stringed Middle Eastern plucked zither.
Gagok is a genre of traditional Korean vocal music sung by men and women to the accompaniment ... The traditional instrumentation of the orchestra includes the geomungo six-string zither, daegeum ...
The World Music Festival’s 12 free concerts, spread out over ten days, offer curious listeners dozens of opportunities for discovery.
Celebrations of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on Sept. 17 this year, are being held around the world, bringing ...
The accompanying music video for the song garnered ... The song opens with a gayageum, a traditional Korean plucked zither, before leading into the electropop of the second verse.
Gayageum is a Korean traditional zither that originates from the Gaya Kingdom in the sixth century. Eunsun Jung was joined in concert by UB Professor of Music Sungmin Shin and Asia Research Institute ...
In addition to traditional Ukrainian music - played on the Ukrainian lute zither Bandura - and the world premiere of a work ...
The dulcet background guzheng (traditional Chinese zither) music permeating the Prince Kung's Palace Museum somehow accentuates the coarse yet stentorian voice of Zhao Qing'an in mid-July.
In his folding screen-adorned Zen-style studio, Wei Qingbing, 39, sat on the bamboo mat-paved floor and plucked the string on ...
🎨 National Museum of American Art: The Chinese and Korean embassies co-host this free, family-friendly event on Feb. 10 with live music and dance, traditional Chinese and Korean art demos ...