The Greater Tuna sequel follows the inhabitants of Tuna, Texas – all 22 of whom are played by a cast of just two actors. A Tuna Christmas was written by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed ...
Sabrina has been with PEOPLE since 2021. Rick Kern/Getty Matthew McConaughey may claim to be a “tuna fish salad master maker,” but Camila Alves McConaughey is setting the record straight.
Matthew McConaughey may claim to be a “tuna fish salad master maker,” but Camila Alves McConaughey is setting the record straight. The model dished to PEOPLE about what she thinks of the True ...
During the podcast, McConaughey's tuna fish salad recipe entered the chat. "I'm a tuna fish salad master maker. Every Sunday night, clean out the fridge, gonna make a bada-- of tuna fish," he told the ...