Vernon city council will not be pushing the province to complete unfinished Ministry of Transportation and Transit (MoTT) projects identified in a 2015 study in hopes a new study will create ...
SPOKANE, Wash. – Customers of a regional contracting company, Penguin Guys, are speaking out after alleging the company abandoned projects and left them unfinished. Many customers and ...
As part of our Vision Zero Quick-Build Program, the Guerrero Street Quick-Build project will implement a variety of pedestrian safety treatments along Guerrero Street between Market Street and 20th ...
Street Vendor Project (SVP) is a worker center founded in 2001 to organize the diverse community of workers, self-employed people and small business owners who make their living on the streets and ...
Clair Street into a one-way road and add parking. City Manager Doug Lewis said that the project would involve repainting the existing street and changing signage and signals. According to previous ...
This article is available only to Urban Milwaukee's paid members. Membership is available for $9 per month or $99 per year and includes access to this article, an ad-free website, a customizable ...
Thaba Nchu Piggery Project, more than R1 million was allocated for the project, but it remains incomplete. Unfinished water project in Botshabelo’s Sections U and W. R90 million spent on Fish ...
Our Mumbai correspondent meets three creatives who are celebrating the rich visual history of street type, and making projects that build on the tradition for contemporary type design.